Sunday 10 August 2014



An Experience of  a lifetime

For selling our merchandise we selected ‘Hiranandani’ area .
Our day started with difficulties when we had to convince some shop owners when they came out and asked us not to stand in front of their shops for selling our products as they thought we were blocking their customers. However, it was worth an experience as we could now understand the hardships faced before starting any activity in an already established market.

Successful selling:

With a few initial unsuccessful attempts we remained unfazed in our determination.
Overwhelming with confidence we sold products to our very first customers near Galleria. We approached them and applied the ‘fundas’ taught to us by Prasad Sir(Dr.Mandi) in the class.
Our first couple of seconds went in introducing ourselves and talking about ‘Navnirmiti’ and briefing them about ‘MAHAMANDI’.

People showed interest after hearing the social cause for which we were out on the streets.

Our Customers started taking interest in the interactive educational toys. We personally felt elated at our ability to convince people. Motivated by our success, we moved towards DMart, where on the streets we targeted our potential customers.
Most of our customers were family people accompanied by small kids. However, we also sold to other people by convincing them to buy for their young nephews, nieces and cousins. There was demand for some specific products so we applied strategy by strongly highlighting other products too. Last but not the least , we were able to sell off our complete merchandise within 2 hours.

‘Selling is an Art’ : It requires Patience, Strategy and most importantly the Ability to Learn from each failure. The way a person should communicate must be Clear and Quick enough to convey the correct message. Practical implementation is actual learning.

Looking forward to sell in many more MahaMandi's to come...
  JAI HO MANDI .....Socho Becho Seekho....

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